Trying to collect miscellaneous policy thoughts here to be organized dismissed or processed more later.
Welfare System
Free Market Socialism
Capitalism in a box
Use markets for what they are good at
Understanding Poverty
Universal Basic Income
Blaming choosers
Truly efficient markets can compensate for bias in participating populations
Perspectives on monopolies?
Modern monetary theory?
How correlated are efficiency and value?
Human Rights
The Internet is the new postal service
Education Ideas
Urban Planning Policy Ideas
Is it morally justifiable to brain drain other countries?
These thoughts aren’t vetted or even necessarily any good, but they occurred to me at some point and may be worth keeping around for one reason or another.
Government should subsidize news
States and counties pay for unregistered voters
Existing Sub-optimal Downstream Solutions
Purpose of law is to avoid the tragedy of the commons
Important to be able to answer Has progress made us worse off?. We need to make sure we are heading in the right direction.
Understanding the World with Data Collecting Policy Thoughts
Collecting Policy Thoughts
See Collecting Policy Thoughts