working on updating the denizaydemir.org landing page
I aim to have my professional work be in service of one or more of these principles.
First Principles
I need to make these more opinionated at some point
maybe these are more like my version of the Richard Feynman 12 Favorite Problems
bringing in my 12 Favorite Problems draft from early 2022
How can we do the most good for the most people?
How can we better prepare today’s systems for significant improvement in the future?
How can government be made more effective and international?
How can we make our systems and processes more simple and sustainable?
How can we gain and utilize a radical new understanding of consciousness and free will?
What are the fundamental truths behind math, logic, and the universe?
How can we optimize the way we think and learn?
How can we make cities and towns more joyful?
How can we provide more beautiful, joyful experiences to more people?
How can I push cultural boundaries and make beautiful music?
How can I create fun, funny, and joyful experiences?
How can I get my best ideas out into the world?
remarkably similar to deniz designs experiences
a good sign that I’m successfully circling the things I care about, though there are a lot of them