Spaced Repetition Product Idea

To Do

(this is blending a bit with philosophy notes, i.e. Open Bagel)

Next up


Something that turns Obisdian notes into a Spaced Repetition system. Assuming I’m not satisfied with Anki or Neuracache or some other solution.

Types of Notes

Review notes

  1. Retention
  1. multiple cards per note
  1. Review

Incremental notes

Meant for reading

  1. Different algorithm
  1. Actions: convert note or subsection of note to “review” or “retention” note

Implementation Thoughts

Each markdown file is a note, and different notation on the file indicates different types of cards (e.g. divider for front vs back). Easy maintenance and can use 3rd party editors.

Store all iterations and results in the markdown file, this allows for later readjustments of the algorithm as needed, as well as easy export to Anki.

Ideally integration with Obsidian. All repetition and product related metadata could be held in the YAML header.

Idea for card format: out of a whole file, you can select which parts you want to be the “front” of a card (opposite of cloze where the whole text is the front and the back is the revealed subset, this is the subset is the front and the back is the whole text). Maybe at the bottom of the file you choose all the excerpts you want to have be card fronts.

Ideas for classroom context

Probably needs true testing (not self-testing), but maybe the individual data could be hidden from the teacher (only how many reviews were done and generalized scores). This hiding could be important for encouraging the students to try their best and be willing to go fast. But maybe it needs to be included in their grades to incentivize (or is that bad?)

How about creating a dynamic question creator (especially for math)? For example, 20 different question and answer options could be given for the same card, meaning that they are all testing the same atomic concept. This would keep the student from being able to only pattern match.


  1. If one note = one markdown file, can we have multiple cards in that file? Maybe only by type? Cloze = yes, front / back could create two cards for each direction, or can specify only one directional.
  1. How does Quizlet work? Seems like teachers use that.
