Poverty vs Inequality

Currently, it seems more important to focus on eliminating poverty rather than eliminating economic inequality.

From what I can tell, this is similar to the argument Harry Frankfurt makes in On Inequality. Though I do not hold the strong belief that equality has no moral concern, just that it is secondary to poverty.

This does not seem to be the commonly held liberal position, so I am curious to hear arguments against this.

If this idea holds water, I think it is a place that people with different perspectives on the benefits of free-market Capitalism can come together and agree. For this thinking, it is not required to accept that all incomes should be the same, or even draw a line for how much inequality is acceptable. Rather, this thinking requires only an initial agreement that poverty should be avoided first.

I reserve that my own opinions on equality are still nebulous, but I am certain that no morally significant value should be distributed unequally.

This idea is an example of Make goals precise