How do the lifeview and workview work together?

The two are deeply aligned. Both work and life appreciate beauty, in life we try to exemplify, share, and enjoy beauty with those around us. Beauty here means many things, like humor, music, kindness, joy. In work we take that understanding of beauty and try to systematically share it with others outside of our life.

Positive impact is what work takes from life and puts into action. In work we take a utilitarian outlook on impact, since in life we do not see a true “higher” meaning, we make meaning for the sake of our work (this does not mean life lacks its own meaning). Work also supplements life with this aspect of impacting significant change, changing “the way things are done”. This is a manufactured goal, but it is the highest goal we can think of for work, and it follows from the idea that life does not have a higher purpose than coexistence.



High, innovative impact

Growth in beauty

Exercising creativity and leadership


Kindness and grace with others

Appreciating beauty

No higher meaning

Where do your views on work and life complement one another?

Where do they clash?

Does one drive the other? How?