Email for seeking feedback on DTP

Sending this email to people so they can provide feedback on three options being considered for the Durham County Transit Plan (copied from email)

Sending first batch [[2021-08-12]]

Impact the next 20 years of Durham public transportation by filling out The survey describes three transit plan options and asks respondents to select the aspects they like most and least for each of them. The responses will be used to help decide the next 20-year Durham Transit Plan to be finalized later this year.

Available Languages: English, Spanish

Estimated Time: 10 minutes

Deadline: Friday, August 20

You do not need any prior information before taking the survey. There is more information below for those who are interested.

Please forward this email to Durham residents. Receiving input from people of color and low-income communities should be prioritized.

Feel free to reach out to me ( with any questions, and thank you for helping shape the future of Durham’s public transportation!

The Durham Transit Plan has a 15 minute video presentation that goes over the three transit plan options. You can also see details and maps for the options, or in

Here are summaries of the three options, taken from the presentation:

Option A

Improve and expand bus service in Durham and to places outside of Durham. Get more bus service faster.

Option B

Bus rapid transit (with bus-only lanes) in Durham and possibly to Chapel Hill and RTP, with connections to Wake County. More money spent on projects to make bus service faster and more reliable. Improvements will not happen right away.

Option C

Commuter rail (passenger train) connections from Durham to Raleigh. The commuter rail service will not happen right away.

Provide your feedback now by filling out

Background from the Durham Transit Plan

The Durham Transit Plan will decide how the community wants to invest in, expand, and prioritize the public transportation network over the next 20 years. Three sets of transit options have been developed as examples of what could be implemented with the available funding. These options were developed based on a public engagement process that occurred in late 2020, as well as technical and financial analyses. City and County staff are now seeking public feedback on what transit improvements in Durham are the most important to include in the final preferred option to be developed later this year.

For the Transit Plan to be successful, we must engage all Durham residents. The City of Durham and Durham County are committed to racial equity, as we work to ensure that all voices in our community are heard. Efforts to gain input from people of color and low–income communities will be prioritized throughout this planning process. Success will be measured in large part by the benefits that proposed transit improvements and projects bring to those communities.

Residents and others who are interested in the project can now provide their comments by completing an https://Residents%20and%20others%20who%20are%20interested%20in%20the%20project%20can%20now%20provide%20their%20comments%20by%20completing%20an%20online%20survey,%20available%20in%20English%20and%20Spanish,%20by%20August%2020., available in English and Spanish, by August 20.

