Bringing more joy to built environments


build joyful diverse third places

My goal is to understand, facilitate, and build more joyful urban spaces.

This goal encompasses concerns of environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, and equitable accessibility. Importantly, my goal goes beyond those goals alone to being about moving our cities to a future where our built environment catalyzes our well-being and happiness.

This goal encompasses concerns of environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, and equitable accessibility. Those concerns are table stakes, and must be included in any serious attempt to make our cities better. My thesis is that those concerns are not enough, by themselves, to radically improve our cities. We can, and should, retrofit our cities to make them more equitable and sustainable, but we should also aim to move our cities forward to a future where our built environment catalyztres our well-being and happiness.

In so much of what I’ve seen at MIT, I’ve seen this blend of thinking radically and thinking practically.