What I care about

Obsessed with the impact of our surroundings on our health and happiness

(make sure you differentiate yourself, everyone will care about urban design)

(simplify to how I see, think, and feel, not too much about how I got there)

move “how I got here” to Extra Reflection

I have become obsessed with the impact of our surroundings on our health and happiness. Around others, I have to hold back from being the person who points out the inefficiencies of our surface parking lots, the importance of public transit frequencies, and the vital comfort of street trees. This obsession grew out of a few different realizations over the course of my life. Over my 9 years at Hive, I have realized how much human interfaces matter. Whether the goal is to optimize a user onboarding, or to

Through software I realized my passion for designing interfaces. I was always sitting with the design team, working with them to flesh out what the information architecture of our product is and how to best translate that architecture into a user interface that is simple, parseable, and makes the user happy.

It was only while living in San Francisco that I started to understand that my love of cities was something that was deeply connected to my love of interfaces. Unlike many others, I was never unhappy to go to the “touristy” areas of a city and simply walk around to experience the sights and sounds, and see the types of experiences people, usually whole families, were having.

disneyland mention?

It was also in San Francisco that I began to pay attention to the subtleties of good urban design: a coffee shop tucked away in an alley with overgrown plants, the comfort offered by lighting and street activity, the sightlines when you turn a street corner on your walk.

High impact areas, consider moving to Extra Reflection

As I began to consider the next phase of my career, I took time to examine my

mobility as efficiency and health

the inefficiency of cars, even autonomous ones

Systematic outlook