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In 2019, after having spent over 5 years helping Hive AI grow from a 6 person start-up to a 150 person company valued at $2B, I realized I wanted the next phase of my career to be focused on uniquely impactful work. To me this means work that I am uniquely well suited to perform and also has significant positive moral impact. In pursuit of this goal, I took stock of four life-long passions:

I love cities and public transit. From the frequent visits to Istanbul and New York City, then living in San Francisco, I am the person who enjoys visiting touristy areas of a city I live in just to see the vibrancy and people, in all its good and its bad.

I go crazy for interfaces and experiences that succeed at making our lives richer and bringing us joy. This is what always excited me about technology and software engineering, and is what led me to become iOS engineer.

I care deeply about understanding the impacts of our actions on the well-being of others. This is what led me to study philosophy.

I seek to examine problems as systems and view them with an interdisciplinary lens rather than in isolation. This is what led me to be interested in the System Design and Management program at MIT.

Since 2019, I have been exploring and digesting these passions through a variety of experiments, classes, conferences, and volunteer efforts. From that work, these are the two challenges I have adopted as my own: