challenges I am interested in (300 words)
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three challenges

transportation system and land use

car dependency

public transit


most urgent moral need in cities

Why I joined BPAC

imaginative urban design (MIX)

more playful, imaginative public spaces

take advantage of technology for good (design process, data)

the role spatial interfaces can play in our cities

Why I started MIX

next generation of third places

promote diversity, social cohesion across generations, races, etc

as our work life changes, create more dynamic cities

cities should be our living room

systems note

need to understand these challenges as related within dynamic systems, wholistic perspective

Make change that is systematic and resilient


MIT looks at things systematically

Of all the institutions I’ve researched, MIT is the most interested in treating research areas not as standalone but as integrated systems across multiple disciplines. This is what attracted me to the System Design and Management program, and is what attracts me to doing learn and research more about city planning at MIT. The built environment of a city is not distinct from matters of policy, public health, transportation, economics, and technology. One can see this in the number of labs within the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, and the number of other research centers that also work with cities (Transportation, Media Lab, Morningside). It is this integrative approach that first gave me the excitement to begin working

Working with government