Closing the learning loop

Closing the learning loop

Here I will try to document my learning process and how I try to work it into my routines.

The idea is to build a good system that connects all the following:

  1. Finding things to learn about. This is usually done randomly based on discovery and stumbling on things from the other steps of this flow, and from life in general. A lot of this seems to be trusting in yourself that you will head down the paths that are interesting to you, but it also requires an Openness to unknown ideas.
  1. Learning about those things. This is often in the form of reading, whether articles or books. This is hard and where there seems to be a bottleneck. I’m trying to convert this step into more of a “sifting” step, where I go through readings and try to highlight the interesting parts to be reviewed later. This may work ok, but it does seem like the best learning happens when I am able to do really focused reading and note taking all in one, which is quite rare.
  1. Process filtered highlights. This means either turn them into evergreen notes, or put them into some other system that will serve me in the future (add to a routine, etc).
  1. Notes and spaced repetition flashcards. Anything that I don’t want to forget needs to go in notes and / or spaced repetition flashcards (2nd Brain and my actual brain, respectively.

One of the keys to this is having a flow that takes in sufficient information to learn the things I want to learn, and also passes that information through all the steps sufficiently quickly to be both useful and sustainable.



Process I will be trying for now:
