BPAC Meeting 2020-10-19


New Members

  • bike commuter
  • interested in transit and biking
  • worked on org in Athens
  • lives in woodcroft (takes GoTriangle to UNC)
  • works with transit at NC State

Emily mentioned Durham Bike Coop to Tyler, similar to his org in Athens

Admin steps

  1. Approve minutes
  1. Public comments
  1. Presentations

Safe Routes to Schools

John Talmudge, head of Bike Durham is here

  • worked in DPS for ~25 years
  • wilderness guide
  • from Italy, been in US and Durham for 2 years
  • worked with bikes a long time

Prioritizing Sidewalks

Brian Taylor presenting again

  • Transportation planner for city transportation department

Green and equitable infrastructure

  • sidewalks, et al

also attending: Sean Egan, Durham director of transportation

  • Equity variable used in 2017: households in poverty within 1/2 mile
  • 2021 changed bus stops to be within 200 feet instead of 1/2 mile
  • minority households within 1/2 mile

sidewalk or sidepath?



  • Equity statements upcoming


  • Paul Black from Raleigh Bike Ped was at this month’s meeting
  • Raleigh is requiring protected bike lanes
  • (but roads are pretty wide)
  • Durham UDO only requires bike lanes in downtown and design districts
  • Durham public works design guide doesn’t mention bike lanes at all
  • Could suggest changes to UDO or Durham comprehensive transportation plan


  • next month meeting will be combined with DevRev
  • NC DOT is delaying modifications to NC 54 and some effects to triangle bikeway
  • Deniz went over social pinpoint
  • Dale 8 miles of Bike Lanes



  • Surveyed all bike racks at Duke

NC Central

  • A cycling event during homecoming week

Comprehensive Plan

  • no updates

Old Business

Equity and land use statements

!! Give thoughts regarding the statements

New Business

Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary elections coming up