BPAC DevRev PIE 2021/08/12

Dev Rev

American Tobacco Belt Line

  • want connection from south to north to connect the bike trails
  • referring to 12.5.1 in UDO to ask developer to build this
  • seems like they plan to build this trail connection, but need to confirm
  • DPR = department of parks and rec
  • Indianapolis cultural trail is a good model

!! Can we use social pinpoint to drop in every development and site plan, and we can mark if they’ve been processed? This could at least be a resource to find plans and determine their importance. Eventually could connect with a worksheet workflow.

Courtyards at Southpoint

  • want to have the connection to the tobacco trail
  • !! easement, vocab

54 and Highgate rezoning

  • no development plan, so we want to comment that we prefer a development plan since we cannot ask for commitments when there is no development plan
  • want to prevent another driveway intersecting ATT

Rezoning or development plan we can ask for text commitments, that they provide on condition of approval

At the site plan stage we can only make UDO related comments ^867375

!! ^ add that to details of difference between development plan and rezoning

Google Sheet for reviewing plans

  • use this for checklist review


Go over Durham Transit Plan

  • any idea of whether sidewalks are in the same timeline for all options?
  • !! Ask Erik Landfried for financial line items and other question and answers from
  • Brian, says talking to Ellen is a good bet
  • !! Ask Erik Landfried about spiel regarding why new job access data is not correct
  • Never mind, his issue is they calculate with rush hour, in Durham highest ridership is at 2 PM
  • assuming no wait time

!! Reach out to Erik Landfried about DTP outreach, and other stuff related to transit, questions related to how much we can promote

!! Can we use slack in government committees?

!! Constance brings up issues about lines being drawn on the road, she is a great advocate for local issues, she needs a person who comes and examines and connects citizens like her to the relevant organizations, and holds the organizations accountable. This could be a full time job (or a non-profit)

!! Could we use social pinpoint to note road problems??

pavement condition map

GIS map

Dale: Raleigh does a better job of communicating projects and how to find stuff like that (!! use social pinpoint!)

Durham One Call (is an example)