BPAC 2021-12-16




Bob Warren, guest representing a committee in Chapel Hill

Herman Scott, member of durham bicycle coop

Durham Paratransit Presentation


Presented by Tom Devlin

  • Qualify +60 years old
  • Determined based on existing public transit infrastructure near where they live, if they are near a good stop already they may not be able to use ACCESS
  • Average bus ride is $5 government cost
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  • Average ACCESS trip is $48 government cost
  • National Express Transit to operate the paratransit system
  • Durham City Transit Company is another operator
  • Uses Uzerv, requires drug and alcohol screening
- Userve drivers often also drive Uber or Lyft so it looks like you’re being picked up by uber or Lyft
  • Durham also offers taxi vouchers

Ed Rizzuto mentioned that using uber and Lyft might be cheaper

Tom Devlin says the main concern is the drug and alcohol screening

Ed: sees a lot of potential in an app based way of doing instant

Tom: any driver can become a Uzerv driver

My questions:

  • How does uzerv pay their drivers compared to uber and lyft? What are the reasons an uber / lyft driver would be interested in becoming a uzerv driver?
- Uzerv does not work with city on pay
  • Do we have any idea how many people who would ride but don’t know about access?
  • Does ACCESS do any analysis of what routes they frequently serve
- Can’t do fixed route because there are specific regulations that make that a different can of worms
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Approved new positions

DevRev review

PIE review

Focus on sending a letter about delaying resurfacing of Erwin:

  • Approved

!! 1 or 2 priorities for each subcommittee for retreat

Also elected officials were re-elected to their positions, including me as vice-chair