BPAC 2021/08/17


Heidi Carter (County representative)

Hannah Reynolds, Transportation Demand Management Planner, City of Durham

Javiera Caballero, City Council




  • Covers Durham County
  • Much or Orange County
  • NE Chatham county

Other MPO is CAMPO (Capital Area MPO)

This plan will be adopted jointly by both MPOs

Comprehensive Transportation Plan is by state requirement

The Met Transportation Plan is a subset of CTP, federally required

STIP funds MTP

State Transportation Improvement Plan (?)

MTP updated every 4 years

involved process, so after adopting start working on the next one

Received public feedback

Estimated population growth (300k to 500k for durham by 2050)

3 scenarios

  • Plans & Trends Scenario
- Business as usual
  • Shared Leadership Scenario
- We can do better
  • All together scenario
- Balanced and equitable

!! Durham County Transit Plan implies tradeoff between BRT and county


Durham city council has representation on GoTriangle and on MPO

Durham should have a joint city and county transportation department (?)


Need good regional, and good local buses

Housing along commuter rail route study to help understand who rail will serve

According to this report, commuter rail has a good opportunity to serve a lot of lower income folks

BPAC good for first mile last mile


Helping get input for county transit plan and this MTP


Infrastructure bill, increase in highway, smaller increase in transit, large increase in rail budgets

County plan will determine the type of transit

Seems like MTP will be more about funding amount


Interlock Agreement Review

New appointment descriptions



!! for BPAC onboarding, what are the technical rules? (Motions, seconding, etc)

EEE report

Dev Rev report

PIE report

Mentioned UNC panel I attended

Javiera update, comprehensive plan slowly being updated

!! Can we have a slack for BPAC? Or for Durham commissions?

Heidi update, none

Tony update NCCU, none

David with Recreation Advisory Commission

  • Wheels skate park space ramping up, targeted to become a regional park
  • Aquatics will feature in planning (?)

Ed, Comprehensive Plan

  • Outreach groups transitioning policy groups
  • Goals and objectives turning into concrete policy proposals
  • His cat wants more cat transit

Ed in other community updates

  • Ellen and Aaron joined last meeting for transit plan
  • Ellen reached out to Ed about presenting to Vision Insights


Old business

Equity statement

  • David has really good questions
  • I mention that I’m ok with broadening scope
  • Placemaking, property, what do they mean?
  • Can we tie it into our guiding principles?
  • More to think about and review



I mention the Social Pinpoint tool and plan to try something out there

Dale mentions some projects that have been delayed that are ramping back up which is good

Some openings for BPAC, Dale will check

Looking for a chair for EEE committee