↑ 11 References
I feel it put a name on the idea that I had been thinking about after first revisiting Anki and Spaced Repetition in 2021/02. With Spaced Repetition, Memory is a choice. That same idea translates to consumption in the form of Incremental Reading. From there, I imagine that this Cognitive Optimization way of interacting with information may have even larger implications (the size of those implications has expanded thanks to Andy Matuschak coining this term).
Open source algorithm for spaced repetition developed by Piotr Wozniak from the late 1980s. Used in Anki.
Until recently, I did not have a proper way to save links or interesting ideas that I stumbled upon in life. It was with this lack of system that I saved a link to Anki as a tab on my iPad, probably around 2016 or 2017. I don’t remember why I exactly I had saved it, but I remember it being mentioned somewhere and sounded interesting and like something I would want to look into more.
Plenty of other readings from Piotr Wozniak, Andy Matuschak, Michael Nielsen, and others in the Supermemo, Anki, and other communities.
Something that turns Obisdian notes into a Spaced Repetition system. Assuming I’m not satisfied with Anki or Neuracache or some other solution.