

Denver airport and rail case study

Worked on courthouses


Planned to have new, efficient baggage handling system

September 2005 they finally gave up on this

BAE went out of business after this

Construction started November 1989

Planned to end October 29 1993

expert opinion

based on funding cycles and bond paybacks

Fastracks train line from Union Station to the Airport


thinking about Induced Demand

increasing capacity may not always prove to increase utilization, if the corridor is in a complex system that has other moving parts

this may be the best argument against assuming Induced Demand is ubiquitous and inevitable

maybe Durham should provide gantt charts for all projects

Initial screening involved a lot of reality checking to reduce ~100 possible routes over the first 4-6 months in Dec 2003

Issues with signaling and satellite system at at-grade crossings

thinking about the RTD vs DIA projects

DIA is more isolated, was more ambitious

RTD has public engagement and more checks and balances, so more restricted

two problems

no agreed upon optimization function

maybe not needing to agree on the optimization, but understand the tradespace of tradeoffs

no agreed upon time horizon for calculating value