2022.03.14 Post

Hello Dünya

Finally finishing bringing over my old Obsidian posts over to Logseq. The formatting is still funky, and there’s a fair amount of duplication. But it feels good to have everything in one place now. I think I’ll be able to slowly clean this up.

With all this flux in my note taking process, it’s been hard to figure out how to delineate public and private notes, and Logseq internal notes vs public posts.

In some ideal world, it would be seamless to publish a subset of my Logseq notes, and it would be seamless to promote a subset of those published notes as more full-fledged posts that get featured.

In reality, the Logseq/Publish interface is suboptimal, and requires more work (see https://notes.denizay.org)

And, the process of transitioning “notes” into “posts” involves a need to translate any links either into plain text or into proper url links, if the linked file is not also a post whose link can be parsed by Blot.

Not to mention the issue of figuring out what to publish (wanting to keep people’s privacy, etc, see What I choose to make public)

For now, I’m trying to focus on making the note-writing process work well first, and then figure out optimizations for publishing later.

But, I also feel the need to keep some amount of public presence alive, since I don’t know how long it will take for me to figure out how I want to structure and systematize my notes

Especially as I dive deeper into Applied Category Theory and think about how my notes can become a Categorical Knowledge Graph….

The compromise here is to create a public post with my daily journal note in Logseq, and when I find I have some thoughts, put them in that post and publish it on my website directly.

These posts will have some notes surrounded by brackets but not linked, but that’s an ok sacrifice since I will treat these more like the window of the shop. If you want to actually browse around and see where the links actually lead, it’ll be best to just go into my notes.

So that’s what this is, my first journal post. You can see this post in my notes here.
