Spaced Everything Product Idea

A possible spaced everything product idea. The goal is to make as many things as possible feel like Effortless Action.

Track and Review

  1. Daily review
  1. Add information or other types of spaceable items once, with an appropriate priority or spacing factor
  1. Set and forget, trust that those spaceable items will reappear as needed
  1. For prompts that are cannot be verified by the system, it can prompt you the next day to see if you did it and adjust spacing accordingly.

Types of spaceable items

  1. Spaced repetition learning
  1. Learning vocabulary, information, etc
  1. Breaking down conceptual learning
  1. Scheduling periodic communication with friends and family
  1. Reading through articles or books
  1. Guided stretches, exercising
  1. Checking email
  1. Meditation (maybe at the beginning or end of your session?)
  1. Daily Routine
  1. To Do list
  1. Writing
  1. All recurring reminders (could recommend the user some common ones)
  1. Monthly financial health check
  1. Check in on life goals
  1. Donate to charity
  1. Guide growth
  1. Find one new person to follow on social media
  1. Find a new topic to learn about
  1. Schedule some time to play
  1. Etc
  1. Maintaining habits
  1. Did you drink yesterday?
  1. etc


This is probably best implemented at OS level (see Spaced Everything).


Need to try Orbit


(discussion with Nick triggered some thoughts on this)