Something Matters
I take it as an axiom that Something Matters, and avoid the reduction of every argument to a potential True Perspective.
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Certainly most people act as though Something Matters, but do those actions align with their answer to this question?
I take it as an axiom that Something Matters, and avoid the reduction of every argument to a potential True Perspective.
For the sake of discussion, everyone seems to take it as an axiom that Something Matters. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anyone attempt to push a perspective that is truly agnostic to any outcomes (what I call True Perspective). Yet, I haven’t seen this axiom made explicit anywhere (though I probably haven’t looked hard enough).
The idea that Something Matters is such a fundamental building block of every action we take as humans, it is unfortunate that we have not attempted to be explicit about.
If you have to actually defend the idea that Something Matters, you are reminded that not everything will meet your criteria of “mattering”. This gives you an opportunity to raise (or lower) the bar for yourself to align more with your actual beliefs.