Prove me wrong and I'll buy you lunch

Prove me wrong and I’ll buy you lunch

Inspired by this post by “How Hard Can It Be?!”.

I will send $15 to anyone who proves wrong any content in my notes or on this website.


This seems like a viable way to learn efficiently and fight my own biases. I like systems like this that incentivize discovering errors and improvement. These sorts of incentives are vital to any system for learning and thinking that hopes to be any good. Since my notes do not go through any outside review, this is a way to build at least some form of accountability.

One compelling point from the inspiring post is the importance of celebrating failure. This is a step in the direction of Reduce the stigma of being wrong.


Found an error? Send me an email. I am eager to discuss any potential errors, and won’t nitpick if you’ve found a real misstep.

Also, feel free to reach out if it’s not something to be proven wrong, but something else for me to consider that I have missed. In fact, this deserves an incentive as well, so if you find something relevant to a note of mine that I should be aware of but I didn’t mention it in the note, I’ll send you $5.

Ok, good to know.

If somehow my visitor count grows I’ll likely have to reduce this payment amount. For now, this should be fine.

Also, if anyone can convince me this is a bad idea, I’ll give them $50.