Different ideas about education.
Many think schools are failing
Public education is not in crisis
For issues that do exist, Socio-economic factors impact student success more than most in-school factors
Achievement gaps have improved
Double teacher salaries
Components of good education
At its core, a lot of the ideas may be about Cognitive Optimization.
Education and Video Watching Twitter Thread
Education cannot be managed like a market
Diversity in Education
NAEP should be central to our discussion of education
Math education is more independent of cultural background than reading education
Everyone is a user of education
Education reformers believe they can do education better
Is it possible to have a standardized test for creativity?
Can we make charter schools without a profit motive?
Easier to build an education system when the goals are clear and measurable
Child development is the starting point for education
What portion of achievement gap is explained by schools?
Testing is a diagnostic, not an incentive
Should federal education policy assess school quality?
Teaching and Learning Ideas
Education Ideas