Disney Demo


Urban Design Portfolio, highlights GIS and app development work


MIX is a platform for shared, outdoor, augmented reality and multimedia art experiences. I founded, created the product architecture, developed the full technical stack. I managed 3 contractors to help implement design details and accelerate development.

Video of AR examples: https://youtu.be/QLqSADQUldE

Video of AR placement flow: https://youtu.be/TYvFr445VkY


Kevin Guo

Bryan Moser

Academic Director, System Design and Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


I helped grow Hive AI from a team of 5 to a team of over 200 and a valuation of $2B. Now, I want to be a part of a company that is building joyful, playful, and immersive experiences and lead innovation in the design of new interfaces and interactions with users.

At Hive AI, I worked with engineers, designers, product managers, and executives to build system architectures to guide teams and work at blazingly fast startup speeds. As our team grew, I built much of our project management system and managed multiple team leaders to help them get the most out of their respective teams. I managed over 20 team members across multiple continents working on products reaching over 15M users.

Since Hive AI, I have been studying System Architecture, System Engineering, and Project Management at MIT, and building my own products to explore the cutting edge of new interaction modes like AI and augmented reality.


a platform for geospatial augmented reality art experiences

exploring new forms of digital interfaces to reimagine the way we experience and interact with our built environment and public spaces

available on iOS, visionOS, tvOS

an AI assistant focused on effortless user interactions

exploring new ways to utilize spatial interfaces for productivity and learning

available on visionOS


This website is a collection of my daily notes that I make public. I write about the things I care about, especially building joyful experiences.