

System Architecture as a model of future reality

Shannon Entropy, the amount of “surprise” inherent to a set of outcomes

When the architecture meets reality, what will the surprise be? Minimize that surprise.

In other words, make it an architecture that accurately reflects your probabilities of the world.

Similarly, make it an architecture that can be flexible to update with your priors.

Summary of Bill Simmons presentation

Three rules of scalability

Use partition-able, parallelize-able methods

Reduce intra-process communication to an absolute minimum

Look for opportunities for “sloppiness”

keep things slow where they can be slow

Use abstractions to increase achievable product complexity

Architecture as borrowed term from architecture

Ballerina vs gymnast

aesthetics can be part of the the function

Guidance for spring project

the narrative for our project

is automation useful, or the real problem?

if it is, where can we actually contribute?

implies things about potential over cost and over design

don’t take it as granted that modular is always better

can imagine a big world

sell the product


Essential Complexity vs Apparent Complexity